Taste our sweetness


Peru is one of the main places where cacao originated, possesses 60 percent of the cacao varieties in the world, and is the second largest producer of organic cacao in the world. It has qualified for the international organization of cacao ICCO as a country that produces and exports fine and aromatic cacao, reaching 36% of the world’s production of this type. We support the cultivation of cacao as an alternative product to the coca leaf, because this way it allows for the sustained development of the population in the Peruvian jungle so that as a result, it also helps to create more and better sustainable income for their work. The cacao that we use is produced in San Martin de Pangoa - Junin - Peru.

Melo NGO

Melo has a social commitment with the most underprivileged people in our country, especially children, whether it is in the area of health, education, or the overall improvement of their quality of life. Above all, we want them to be as happy as possible. All children deserve to be loved and to be considered equal to others. If they have not had the opportunity to enjoy the good things in life, we want to be the ones to give them this opportunity. For this reason, on December 18th, we will have a Christmas event for children with HIV who belong to TARGA’s program at the hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo-Peru at 3 pm.

About us

I'm an agroindustrial engenieer and I'm interested in natural products, health and natural food. I want to help people find the best products made with the best ingredients.


I'm a lawyer, I love chocolate and I want to show the relevance of using our native cacao. I want my country to be known abroad.
